Unveiling the art of intuitive and interactive Product designs.

I incorporate effective UX design and UI interaction design principles to create seamless user experiences. Through user research, architecture, journeys, personas, and usability testing, I strive to create compelling and user-centred experiences.


Competitive Skillsets

User Experience (UX/UI) Designing, Interaction and Intuitive Designing, Card sorting, User interviews, Card sorting, Empathy mapping, User journeys mapping, User persona, Wireframing, Mockups, Prototyping, Design auditing, Design workshops, Attention to details, Problem-solving, Product experience management, Design system, Layout designing.

Tools and Technology

Product Design Process


Unveiling the art of intuitive and interactive user experience designs.

I was responsible for leading the UX/UI team and managing end-to-end user experience design projects. As a UX/UI Designer, my primary goal is to create seamless and intuitive user experiences (UX) through incorporating effective user interface (UI) design and interaction design principles. I begin by conducting thorough user research to understand user behaviours and needs, give insights into pain points of personas and user journeys, and craft wireframes and prototypes created to visualize the user flows and interactive interactions. Throughout the iterative design process, usability testing plays a vital role in validating design decisions and ensuring design solutions fulfil user pain solutions and leverage A/B testing to optimize engagement and conversions.

I worked in various product industries (fintech, investment banking, e-commerce, procurement, enterprise software and SaaS applications).

person in gray pants and white sneakers sitting on rock mountain during daytime
person in gray pants and white sneakers sitting on rock mountain during daytime

Best Practices

Product Delivery Metrics

Worked With